What’s the “5 LEVEL Pyramid for Optimal Kettlebell Workout ‘GAINZ’”…?


“Different workouts, different training plans, have different effects and outcomes on your body.
Some are better than others.
And some are better for you at certain times than others, based upon:
1️⃣ What you have going on in your life currently / stress levels
2️⃣ Your training history
3️⃣ Your current abilities (injured vs. healthy)”
To that end, Bruno, one of my best customers, asked in an email,
“…And I love your e-mails Monday Motivation and the others of things you think on Sundays and share with us…
In one of them, you talked about The Pyramid of Kettlebells Level 1 to 5 !!!
I would love to learn more about it !!!
Maybe a BOOK !?! Maybe more e-mails !?!
More on every Level, more examples of programs of every Level ! How to progress from one Level to another…!”
So, at the very least, I decided to share with all of you the pyramid I came up with a couple of years ago, called, “The 5 Levels of Kettlebell Training.”

I designed it to:
1️⃣ Provide a clear path of progression based upon skill level using kettlebells
2️⃣ Systematize a way to learn and implement the different kettlebell exercises for folks who aren’t going to certifications
3️⃣ An idea of the type of training one could do at the different skill levels

Here are the details on the 5 levels so you can know how to use them to best meet your needs:
LEVEL 1: Single Kettlebell Exercise — Swings (2 Hand & 1 Hand), Turkish Get Ups, Goblet Squats
This level builds the foundation for all kettlebell training and Level 2 & 4 exercises. These exercises yield powerful results by themselves.
This is where I start all my new clients who’ve never touched a kettlebell before.
Time spent here: 30 days to 1 year, depending on the individual.

LEVEL 2: Single Kettlebell Exercise — Clean, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk
Produces more demand on the body and therefore larger, stronger adaptation in muscles, strength, and conditioning.
LEVEL 2A: Clean, Military Press, Snatch
These are typically taught in the level 1 kettlebell instructor certifications.
They require less coordination and skill than the 2B exercises.
LEVEL 2B: Push Press, Jerk
Even though the Push Press could be lumped into the 2A category because it’s easier than the Jerk, I put it in here because it’s a valuable training exercise/tool for the Jerk.
The Jerk takes more shoulder and thoracic spine mobility, than the Push Press or the Military Press.

LEVEL 3: Power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training with LEVEL 1 & 2 exercises (the ability to maintain form in the face of fatigue)
This level challenges your prowess with Level 1 & 2 exercises through more sophisticated programming.
Usually, but not always, this type of programming uses less rest and requires that your technique is really dialed in so you can maintain it while fatigued.

LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell — Swing, Clean, Squat, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk, and assistance exercises
Level 4 demands focus and produces exponential change in physical capability.
It builds on the skills you acquired in Levels 1 & 2.
And unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your vantage point, exposes whether you truly learned those skills or not.
And that’s because double kettlebell work has less “wiggle room” — less “degrees of freedom” to accommodate any of your “movement issues” — old injuries, stiffness, lack of mobility — that sort of thing.
Unfortunately, this also means if you don’t get your technique dialed and fix your issues, you increase your chances of getting hurt.

LEVEL 5: Power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training with LEVEL 4 exercises (the ability to maintain form in the face of fatigue)
Level 5 programming develops and refines an “Iron Will,” along with high performance outputs, that make every day living and activities effortless.
Level 5 programming breeds confidence, and makes your body start to look like it’s carved from granite.
Next video we’ll look at these levels in more detail.
Stay Strong,
P.S. A lot of folks are prohibited from making the jump from Level 2 to Level 4 because they literally can’t get out of their own way.
Their lower backs hurt…
They can’t lift their arms straight up over their heads perpendicular to the ground…
And for the love of Pete, they can’t understand why they keep getting “dinged up”…
Usually, that’s because of either:
[a] A sedentary life
[b] Injuries from their past
[c] A combination of the two
That’s why when you grab a copy of this program today which will help you move like you did when you were younger…
I’ll give you for FREE a copy of ‘THE BIG 6’ Technique Coaching Program, which currently sells for $99.

Grab your copy here.



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