Use this “Pinky” technique for a STRONGER Kettlebell Press
👉Learn and Refine Your Single Kettlebell Technique with ‘THE BIG 6’ Here.
👉Learn and Refine Your Double Kettlebell Technique with “Kettlebell STRONG!” Here.
Do you want a stronger Kettlebell Press?
Then you’ll probably want to watch this video and test out what you learn if you don’t know it already.
(I doubt you do — most people don’t — and I RARELY discuss this.)
But first, most guys are so focused on chasing numbers that they ignore their technique.
They “get by” with “just good enough” or “barely good enough” technique because they’re constantly trying to do “more.”
And I get that.
We all want to see our numbers increase.
But, sometimes you have to take a step (or three) back in order to go forward.
For example, when will you have more success breaking down a door?
When you’re leaning on it pushing with all your might?
Or when you take a few steps back and “run” through it?
The second one, of course.
Same thing with kettlebell training.
S-l-o-w-i-n-g… D-o-w-n and making sure your technique is on point can’t help you leap ahead of your current results.
So, without further ado…
Next time you Press your kettlebell — or kettlebells — actually, I recommend you start this with ONE kettlebell, then move to two…
Squeeze down HARD on the kettlebell with and through your pinky.
You should feel your triceps and your lat contract more.
You should also feel your shoulder “suck” into your socket more.
The first will make you stronger.
The second will make your shoulder more stable — which will also make you stronger.
As a result, your Press should feel stronger.
Really, finding the correct positions in which to put your body is the key to having your technique work for you -
Or against you.
Taking the time to work on your technique is the key not only to injury prevention, but also short and long term strength gains.
Start with your single kettlebell technique work.
I recommend using ‘THE BIG 6’.
Then work on your double kettlebell technique work.
I recommend using Kettlebell STRONG!
(There isn’t anything like it on the market.)
Both have the potential to catapult your strength and conditioning to that often elusive “next level.”
I’ll leave links to both in the video description below.
At the end of the day, serious results come from refining your technique.
It’s the difference between “working out” and getting mediocre results and “training” and setting Personal Records.
Stay Strong,