Tighten Your Belt By A Notch In The Next 3 Weeks Using “Just” Kettlebells?
Then start using Kettlebell GHFL like “BFoss” did.
Can I tell you one of the things I hate the most?
Clothes shopping.
(If you’re a guy reading this, you probably know what I mean. I think it’s genetic too — my 13-year old son also hates clothes shopping.)
Shirts are ok.
But pants?
They’re the worst!
I always feel like I’m wearing “clown pants.”
Or some weird “inverted” version of MC Hammer’s pants from the late 1980s…
You know the ones — tight waist, baggy upper legs.
(“You can’t touch this.” LOL)
The ones I always end up trying on — and this includes shorts by the way —
Are always too tight in the legs and too loose in the waists.
That’s because I have the misfortune of having a big butt and big adductors.
So I’m constantly having to buy size 36 or even 38 waists just so the butt and the legs fit.
And if I’m in “leaning out” mode?
It doesn’t matter cause the only areas that seem to change are my waist.
But, as I said, the waists in pants and shorts are already big, so the only true measurement I have if I choose not to bust out the tape measure is my black leather belt with silver buckle I bought about 20 years ago. (So it’s not prone to “stretching” because it’s not new.)
When I’m in “growth” mode, I’m on the 3rd or 2nd to last hole.
When I’m in lean down mode, I’m on the last hole.
When I’m smack dab in the middle of “getting lean,” I’m on the last hole and it’s loose.
Now here’s where you and I may differ:
For me, I’m inherently lazy when it comes to training.
I’ll do a bajillion sets of 2 to 3 reps.
If I have to do more than 3 reps?
[a] I practically have to psyche myself up — especially on grinds — which is hilarious to me.
And I’m constantly watching the clock hoping and praying that time will speed up and wishing my training session would hurry up and be over.
Seriously, I just don’t like these types of training sessions. (“Hate” is probably too strong of a word, but it’s up there.)
And like I said, I’ll justify to myself doing endless sets of 2 or 3 reps just to avoid having to do “high reps.”
[b] It’s much “easier” to adjust my diet.
I just up my protein, pull my carbs and fats down, and drop my overall calories.
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy.
Works like a champ for me every time because I have no problem measuring my food or tracking my calories.
But many guys would rather just get their workouts done.
And most guys I’ve talked to would rather just “work harder” to burn off body fat than eat broccoli or break out the measuring cups.
Which is why I wanted to share this forum post from “BFoss” I saw the other day”
If you don’t already know, BJJ takes a tremendous amount of energy.
As a result, sometimes the last thing you feel like doing is doing hard workouts to lose body fat.
Well, “BFoss” started using Kettlebell GHFL Intermediate and his “belt is a notch tighter”…
…In only 3 weeks.
Other things he reported:
“My cardio feels improved…”
… Which is easy to test when you’re rolling on the mats with other dudes.
“My weight is right where I need it…”
… Which I can only assume means he probably dropped a some pounds / kilos since he competes in BJJ and it’s a weight class sport.
And shockingly (since BJJ takes so much out of you):
“… my general energy levels have been much higher in general
I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, but most people’s energy levels DECREASE when they’re “trying to lose weight”…
… Which is one of the many reasons they don’t reach their weight loss goals.
Not so with “BFoss.”
His energy did the opposite — It went up!
So, look, if you want to:
[+] Tighten your belt by a notch (or more) in the next 3 weeks and make your pants feel looser in the waist…
[+] Improve your health / cardio levels to keep the doctor away (No offense if you’re a Doc…)
[+] Have more daily energy to do the things you want to do…
Then start using Kettlebell GHFL like “BFoss” did.
The GHFL programming is designed to create a Growth Hormone (GH) response inside your body, which research has proven burns off stomach fat. Thus making you have to tighten your belt. :)
Furthermore, the research also reports that this happens independent of diet.
So you don’t “have to eat less” to see results.
And that’s great news if you hate broccoli.
Or measuring spoons.
Grab your copy of Kettlebell GHFL here.
Stay Strong,