The Plan for a STRONGER Core & Bigger Kettlebell Numbers…?
You ever feel the frustration of banging away at your workouts when you’re not seeing as much progress as you expect?
I’ve felt that way in the past…
Sometimes, I’ve actually wondered if all this training was worth it…
Maybe you can relate…
One of THE MOST productive seasons of my training life was back in September 2010 through April 2012, when I focused on getting healthy.
One of the major issues I identified was that my abs — ALL of them — were incredibly weak.
Pathetically so. Like a kitten.
Yesterday I told you about losing my body’s natural ability to stabilize itself.
So, I went on a “quest” to get it back.
Before I tell you what I did, let me tell you, it was murder on my mind.
After all, at that time, I was a Master Kettlebell Instructor with the RKC, and I’d just had my first kettlebell book published.
It was “hardcore.”
And at that time, I was not.
I felt like a hypocrite — an imposter even.
Sure, in the past I could train the way I was advocating…
But not at that moment.
To make matters worse, I’d spent over $20,000 on treatments and advanced “education” (overhyped certifications) over the previous 4 years with nothing positive to show for it.
I was getting tired and feeling worn out.
Sure, I was doing some restoration work, but every time I’d ramp up my heavy training, I’d tweak my lower back and get that awesome radiating pain across my belt line in my lower back and down my left leg.
So, I threw in the towel.
Not many people know this, but I actually gave up kettlebell lifting altogether for a full 18+ months.
Imagine that — a Master Kettlebell Instructor in the world’s leading kettlebell education company, not using kettlebells…
Talk about an identity crisis…
I was quickly becoming known as the “Double Kettlebell Guy”…
I viewed myself as The Guy who picked up heavy stuff and put it down again. (I’d even been the first person in the kettlebell community to Clean + Press a pair of Beasts — 2x48kg.)
But all that was over — in that moment — for that season.
I’d chosen to adopt a “new identity”…
I was about to become a father for the first time and I didn’t want to be the “busted up old dad who looked like a grandpa” — sitting on the sidelines — whose son was embarrassed by him.
Washed up.
Unable to play ball or wrestle with my son because I was a broken-down, beaten-up, has-been athlete who destroyed himself chasing dreams of glory…
I decided I was going to get healthy and strong — even if I had to redefine my view and definition of strength.
So, “all” I did was a bunch of reflexive core stability work and I hammered my core — especially my anterior chain — the front of my body — with good ol’ fashioned strength work.
For 18 months.
But not just any strength work.
Most of it was either floor or supported / hanging work, based on gymnastics strength work.
The result?
After not seeing my friend and Father of the Modern Kettlebell Renaissance, Pavel Tsatsouline, for nearly a year, we met for coffee in Budapest the night before the RKC Kettlebell Instructor Certification in August 2011.
He was shocked by my appearance.
“Geoff… What have you been doing in your training? You look so… Athletic!”
I’d also lost about 15 pounds of fat in the process.
Right around that time, on a whim, I’d also tested my kettlebell strength.
I was able to perform 4 sets of 10 Double Cleans with a pair of 40kgs, with 2 minutes of rest. It was easy. What was interesting to note was that I’d struggled with ONE set of 10 when I was a full 20 pounds heavier — 225lbs.
So, I was lighter, leaner, stronger, and more explosive.
From NOT training with KBs, but focusing on rebuilding my core strength through reflexive core stability work and good ol’ fashioned hard core gymnastics-inspired anterior chain abdominal work.
Who’d a thunk it?
(I also got my first ever bodyweight Pistol — rock bottom single leg squat during this period. Even though I could Pistol a 48kg KB, I didn’t have the core stability to do bodyweight only Pistols.)
Systematic Core Training For Kettlebells
Inside, I will show you how to properly train your core using The SSP Model.
If you’ve never heard of The SSP Model, don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Here’s how it works:
1- Stability
We retrain your body’s innate stabilization mechanism through reflexive core stability training. This type of training makes you practically injury proof, especially after you layer on…
2- Strength
We then build general strength on top of that in your body’s 3 major chains and 4 primary fascial sling systems, all of which help you move in all 3 planes of motion, almost like you did when you were a kid.
3- Power
Then we build up your power — we train your core to perform lots of work — especially resisting movement while moving. Yeah, sounds kinda like some kind of Zen Koan…