The easiest way to get your kettlebell workouts done this time of year…?


Is this a “thing” for you?
It is for lots of people — holiday parties…
Accelerated workloads to “finish the year strong”…
Kids’ holiday recitals…
It seems like the time we do have to train is getting crushed — like Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars Death Star trash compactor scene.
In fact, one of my clients literally has spent all of Q4 trying to juggle his extra work load, with his extra kids’ practices and games, and his wife’s increased photography business demands…
… To get his training sessions done.
So… what do you do?
Punt — and push your workouts off to next month — the New Year and coast until then, hoping, praying to the iron gods you don’t lose any of your hard won “gainz”?
Or is there a better way?
I think the latter — there’s ALWAYS a better way.
In fact, here are 3:

Sometimes life already has too many moving parts to keep up with — especially this time of year.
And that means a KB workout with 55-eleven different exercises becomes too daunting to even start, let alone finish.
So, why not just pick ONE exercise — the BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK exercise and do “just” that for the next 30 to 40 days?
There are TWO “BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK” exercises I can think of-
The Snatch.
And -
The Clean + [Push] Press.
(I’d say Clean + Jerk, but for many, if not most, that “juice isn’t worth the squeeze” this time of year — too time consuming to learn right now.)
Set your timer for 20 minutes, 3x a week, and GO!
I’ll leave links in the video description below for a Snatch program and a Clean + [Push] Press program you can use.
Use this program for the Snatch.
And this program for your Clean + [Push] Press.
Some people burn stress by adding variety to their programming.
It distracts their mind from all they’ve got going on and gives them a sense of overall well being.
Change of exercises…
Change of tools…
Change of focus…
Avoiding the mundane and the normal is Mission Critical.
I’ll leave a link in the video description with a program recommendation for you.
I recommend this program if that’s you.

3- HARD!
Some people just need a challenge.
They need something hard.
Screaming muscles.
Heart rate pounding in their ears.
All round “great workout” feeling when they’re done.
2 to 3 HARD workouts a week is exactly what “Dr. Feelgood” prescribed.
If that’s you, I’ll leave a link in the video description with some programs that will take care of you.
If that’s you, I recommend you pick one of these programs.

At the end of the day, staying on track during the Holidays isn’t complicated.
It just requires the right “calibration” and taking Marcus Aurelius’ quote, “Know Thyself” to heart.
You got this.
Stay Strong,



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