The “CORE” of your Kettlebell workouts/training?
In the last video, I covered Level 1 kettlebell training the Swing, Turkish Get Up, and the Goblet Squat. Today, I’m going to dive into Level 2. This level focuses on the Clean, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, and Jerk.
Typically, I split up this level into 2A and 2B. LEVEL 2A includes the Clean, Military Press, and Snatch, while LEVEL 2B includes Push Press and Jerk.
The Clean is a crucial exercise because it gets the KB into the “rack,” the spot where your chest and shoulder meet. This position is the starting point and ending point for other exercises like the Military Press, and it works your arm(s) and upper back muscles for that “power look.”
The Military Press is another valuable exercise that works your upper body muscles, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, and even your upper back. Additionally, it’s a powerful abdominal builder and requires your legs and hips to contract isometrically.
The Snatch is the Tsar (King) of Kettlebell Lifts and is a great total body developer. To perform it correctly, you need to master the proper hip drive, trajectory of the KB, overhead lockout position, and proper overhead KB path/trajectory. This exercise is a culmination of many skills, and skipping the learning sequence can result in injuries.
The Push Press is similar to the Military Press, but you use your legs to get the weight overhead. However, most people “let their middle go,” — release the tension/pressure in their abdominals when doing this, which is a skill that is practiced and hopefully mastered BEFORE you get to the Push Press.
If you can’t stay “tight in the middle” during the Push Press, there’s a very good chance of hyperextending your lower back and getting hurt.
The Jerk is arguably the most athletic of the KB lifts and requires great shoulder and thoracic spine mobility to perform.
I’ve taken the time to detail these LEVEL 2 lifts because for most, this will make up the core of your kettlebell work for your first year or more of training with KBs. You can forge a powerful physique with “just” these single KB lifts. If you can check off specific boxes, such as Turkish Get Up, 1-Hand Swings, Snatching, Military Press, Clean + Press, and Clean + Push Press, you’ll have the skill and foundation for more advanced double KB work in LEVEL 4.
In LEVEL 2 Programming, we’re focused on building strength, so reps will be low-ish. Grinds (Military Press) consist of 1–5 reps per set, while Ballistics (Clean, Snatch, Push Press, and Jerk) have up to 10 reps per set. Unfortunately, most people don’t care about learning proper kettlebell technique, doing things right, or being systematic. They just want a good workout that makes them sweat, breathe hard, and wake up sore the next morning.
That’s why I recommend “Kettlebell Burn 2.0.”
It’s a comprehensive program for getting leaner and stronger, while simultaneously improving your conditioning.
It works so well that many have used to prepare for — and pass — their level 1 kettlebell instructor certifications.
You can check it out here.
It also uses LEVEL 3 programming which we’ll cover more next time.
Stay Strong,