Rethinking the “PERFECT” Kettlebell Workout Plan (3 Ingredients) — PART 3
Today we’re covering “O________”.
So let’s dive in.
The “O” is formed from:
[1] Volume
Which is the total amount of work performed (sets * reps * load)
[2] Intensity
Which, to quote Dr. Fred Hatfield (I think), “is not a grimace and backwards baseball cap” but rather the percentage of your maximum load — or Repetition Maximum — 1RM, 2RM, 3RM, 5RM, or 10RM… or any RM.
[3] Effort
So, the PERFECT PROGRAM — or “ALMOST PERFECT” PROGRAM for you, {first_name},…
The one that produces OPTIMUM RESULTS — that “Sweet Spot” right in the middle, is the “Perfect Blend” of
LEVEL 1: Swing, Get Up, Goblet Squat
- GOAL: Strength, conditioning, fat loss
- Swing “only” training.
- Time Efficient.
- 20–30 minutes (or less), 3 days a week
- 10 different programs, varying in difficulty (easy-ish → hard)
- Learn more here
Simple and Sinister
- GOAL: Strength, stamina
- Swing & Get Up training.
- 5 days a week.
- Workout length varies.
- Learn more here
LEVEL 2 (and 3)*: Clean, Press, Goblet Squat, Push Press, Jerk
Kettlebell Burn 2.0 / Kettlebell Burn: RELOADED
- Includes LEVEL 1 exercises and some other “traditional” exercises
- GOAL: Strip off body fat
- 45 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 16 weeks, 4 phases, each phase progressively more challenging
- Includes Nutrition Protocols
- Learn more here
The King-Sized Killer
- GOAL: Power, fat loss
- Snatch “only” training
- Time-efficient
- 15–20 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 3 different programs
- Learn more here
- GOAL: Strength, conditioning, muscle-building, fat loss
- Clean + Press “only” training
- Time-efficient
- 20–30 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 5 different programs
- Learn more here
(*NOTE: These programs all start as LEVEL 2 programming, but also include LEVEL 3 power, power endurance, and strength endurance programming.)
LEVEL 3: Single Kettlebell Power, Power Endurance, Strength Endurance Training
Kettlebell Burn 2.0 / Kettlebell Burn: RELOADED
- Includes LEVEL 1 exercises and some other “traditional” exercises
- GOAL: Strip off body fat
- 45 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 16 weeks, 4 phases, each phase progressively more challenging
- Includes Nutrition Protocols
- Learn more here
The King-Sized Killer
- GOAL: Power, fat loss
- Snatch “only” training
- Time-efficient
- 15–20 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 3 different programs
- Learn more here
LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell Training
- GOAL: Strength, conditioning, muscle-building, fat loss
- Clean + Press “only” training
- Time-efficient
- 20–30 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 5 different programs
- Learn more here
(*NOTE: ‘THE GIANT’ is used as both a single AND double KB program.)
Kettlebell STRONG!
- GOAL: Strength, conditioning, muscle-building, fat loss
- Nearly 4 hours of deep-dive video tutorials for all the major double kettlebell lifts
- Includes the 3-phase “Strong!” program, based upon the Double Clean + Press
- Includes the brutal “One” Double Swing conditioning program
- Learn more here \
Kettlebell RMF* (Real Muscle-Building Fat-Burner)
- GOAL: Strength, power, extreme conditioning, muscle-building, fat loss
- Clean + Jerk “only” training
- Time-efficient
- 20–30 minute workouts, 3 days a week
- 3 different programs: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
- Includes video deep dive on Clean + Jerk
- Learn more here
(*NOTE: Kettlebell RMF starts as LEVEL 4 programming, but also includes|
LEVEL 5 programming.) Kettlebell Burn EXTREME!
- GOAL: RAPID fat loss
- Multiple double KB exercises
- Rapid fat loss programming
- 6 days a week, 20–25 minute workouts
- 29 days in duration
- Learn more here
LEVEL 5: Double Kettlebell Power, Power Endurance, Strength Endurance
- Training Kettlebell HARD!
- GOAL: Extreme conditioning, fat loss, muscle-building
- Uses all the double KB lifts
- Programming: Complexes and Chains
- 37+ different programs, varying durations
- 3 days a week, 10–30 minute workouts
- Learn more here
All-In-One LEVELS 1 through 5: Kettlebell W.O.D. (Kettlebell Workout Of the Day)
- GOAL: Everything — Strength, extreme conditioning, muscle-building, fat loss
- 53 week long program (yes, just over one year)
- 5 days of workouts per week
- 15 minute workouts
- Starts with LEVEL 1 and progress over the year through all the levels
- Learn more here
Stay Strong