Mixing Kettlebells And Barbells
5. Block Training.
Block training is a way of organizing your training for optimal progress. A block is a period of time that you specify. Block training allows you to alternately focus on and train specific attributes of your sport or training and keep making progress without stalling on any one of them. Pavel-based Return of the Kettlebell, a muscle-building program using only kettlebells, on the block system. (If you don’t have RTK, you should get it, even if you don’t want to pack on muscle because it’s an outstanding study in brilliant program design.)
For example, you can alternate blocks focused on strength with blocks focused on power.
You can use it with your barbell and kettlebell training. I suggest using 2–4 week blocks, depending on your training goals. (Me? I like mine shorter. 10–14 days are good. But I’ve had success in the past with 3-week blocks.)
Here’s how you might set up your program if general strength and conditioning is your goal:
Block A: Barbell. Deadlift, Military Press, Wide-stance Powerlifting Squat, Rows. 3–5 sets of 3–5 reps.
Block B: Kettlebell. Get Ups. Swings. Clean and Jerks. Snatches. 3–5 reps of 6–10 reps (or more — except getting Ups — 1–2 reps per set.).
So you could set up a 3-month program the following way:
Weeks 1–2: Block A
Weeks 3–4: Block B
Weeks 5–6: Block A
Weeks 7–8: Block B
Weeks 9–10: Block A
Weeks 11–12: Block B
You can set up your blocks however you’d like. But the point is that you should be working on different components of your goals in your blocks.
In the above example, we’re working on different parts of the Force/Velocity curve.
Remember, Force = Mass * Acceleration, or more commonly written as F = M*a, where the Mass is large or high.
But it can also be written the following way: F = m*A, where the Acceleration is the emphasis.
In the “A Block” we’re concerned about the Mass in the equation. We’re lifting some heavyweights and we’re using the barbell to do it.
In the “B Block,” we’re focusing on the Acceleration in the equation. So we’re lifting moderate weights quickly/explosively using kettlebells.
By using both vehicles, we have a better chance of being able to increase overall force production.
And, let’s not forget that kettlebells help develop that “in-between” strength that barbells often neglect. So with this type of training cycle, you are both lifting more and getting stronger — fortifying your body from all angles.