Kettlebell Complexes — Double Kettlebell Snatch


Like it’s cousin the Barbell Snatch, the Double Kettlebell Snatch, is a true test of power and a real power developer. And probably, it’s the hardest to master, 2nd only to the Clean and Jerk.

Due to it’s long variety of motion and the explosive effort needed to get it to the overhead lockout position, when carried out for reps, it’s an exceptional conditioning tool and a tremendous upper back developer.

1. Start by setting up like the Double Kettlebell Swing.

2. Trek the kettlebells hard back between the legs.

3. Drive hard with the hips pulling the elbows up and back like the Double Kettlebell High Pull.

4. As the kettlebells end up being weightless, punch them up toward the sky, allowing them to roll around your wrists or flip over the top of your wrists.

5. To carry out another rep, drop the kettlebells into the rack, and then trek them back between the legs, duplicating steps 3 and 4.

6. Perform as lots of reps as you select.

7. When ended up, position them on the ground like a Double Kettlebell Clean.



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