How to Have Unstoppable Fitness with Double Kettlebell Exercises
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be super-fit — to have the ability to be fit for anything and everything? You would need strong legs and a lower back. Bullet proofed shoulders and a heart of elastic steel. And stamina. Lots of stamina. You need to be able to go and go and go…
How would you go about achieving unstoppable fitness?
I know how.
Kettlebell training.
Yes, it’s currently a fad, a trend, the “hot thing.” But I can virtually guarantee you that it will die out because people are to distracted to discover the wonderful results that simple, focused kettlebell training will provide for you.
The thing that makes kettlebell training so, well, amazing, is the fact that you can literally stand in one place and get one helluva strength workout, cardiovascular workout, and improve your flexibility all at the same time.
This comes from some the unique exercises you can perform with a kettlebell, like the Swing and the Snatch. I’m not going to lie to you and say you can’t perform those exercises with a dumbbell. You can. But they’re just different animals altogether.
Kettlebells are to dumbbells what Maui Jim polarized lenses are to sunglasses. If you’ve ever put a pair on, and many people haven’t, the world becomes brighter. The glare of the sun disappears. The world as you view it, is, in a word: Amplified.
Kettlebells amplify literally every movement. The offset handle forces your body to engage more muscles, safely stabilizing your joints, and causing you to burn more calories.
Kettlebell exercises such as the Swing and the Snatch simultaneously stretch and strengthen your hips and hamstrings, enabling you to run faster, longer, further — not to mention allowing you to jump higher. These exercises also pack a massive cardiovascular punch to your body, forcing your heart and lungs to work overtime.
These exercises also strengthen and protect your lower back. This is huge since 95% of Americans complain of lower back pain at one time or another.
So, what else is there when it comes to unstoppable fitness?
I think we’ve covered most of the ground — strength, flexibility, stamina, and protecting major problem areas like the lower back.
Unstoppable fitness it seems to me can be summed up in one word: Kettlebell.
Have you started your unstoppable fitness program yet?
Geoff Neupert has been a fitness professional for 16 years. He has over 18,379 hours of personal training and has trained individuals from all walks of life, from professional athletes to grandmothers, and helped improve their performances and lose body fat. He uses kettlebells as the primary tool for fat loss and and teaches kettlebell training both nationally and internationally with the RKC. He also provides the most comprehensive kettlebell training resource, including fat loss with kettlebells, on the following website.