“How long should kettlebell workouts last”?



GOAL: Improve conditioning, burn fat
10 x “Swing Only” programs
3x week, 15 to 30 minute workouts
Exercises used: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing
Single kettlebell
Kettlebell GHFL

GOAL: Burn stomach fat without dieting
12-week program
3x week, 20 to 30 minute workouts
Exercises used, Novice: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing
Exercises used, Intermediate: Snatch, Single KB Thruster (Front Squat-to-Press)
Exercises used, Advanced:Double KB Snatch, Double KB Thruster, Double KB Clean + Push Press, Double KB Clean + Jerk
Single (Novice & Intermediate) and double kettlebell (Advanced)
The King-Sized Killer

GOAL: Improve conditioning, burn fat, get stronger
3x “Snatch Only” programs
3x week, 20 minute workouts
Exercises used: Snatch
Single kettlebell

GOAL: Get stronger, burn fat, build muscle, improve conditioning
5x “Clean + Press Only” programs
3x week, 20 to 30 minutes
Exercises used: Single KB Clean + Press, Double KB Clean + Press
Single or double kettlebell
Kettlebell HARD!

GOAL: Burn fat, build muscle, improve conditioning
20x 6–12 week complex programs
18x 6–12 week chain programs
3x week, 10 to 30 minutes
Double kettlebell
Exercises used: Swing, Clean, Press, Front Squat, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk, Rows, Lunges

“How long should kettlebell workouts last?”

That was a question I recently got from Andres — about ‘THE WOLF’ — a double kettlebell complex program of mine.
He was shocked that day 1 only took him 10 minutes.
He also stated that it was still challenging, especially the last set.

The truth is, your workout length is dependent on:

[1] Your time restrictions
[2] Your current abilities
[3] Your goals
And that’s really it.
Look, I know that sounds strange, and so “against the grain.”
But ask yourself this:
If you only had 3x 15 minute time frames to workout / train, would you really disregard them because you “read somewhere” or “thought” or “heard” that a “good workout” had to be at least 30, 60, or 90 minutes long?
Based on training people from all walks of life for the last 30+ years, the honest answer for many, if not most, is “yes.”
And that’s too bad.
Because you can accomplish a lot in a very little time, if you know how to structure a workout (training) program.
So remember, your workouts may not be as long as The Rock’s, Ah-nold’s, or your favorite bodybuilding magazine star from the 80’s or 90’s, but they don’t have to be.
Cause they’re not you, and you’re not [on drugs] like them.
Plus, you work for a living.
You can get a “great workout” in however long you need, when you structure your program according to your goals.
And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Stay Strong,
P.S. The following training programs are all short duration — or can be scaled back to whatever duration you need.



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