Ever struggle with “finding time” to workout or “getting a good workout in”?
10 x “Swing Only” programs
3x week, 15 to 30-minute workouts
Exercises used: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing
Kettlebell GHFL
12-week program
3x week, 20 to 30-minute workouts
Exercises used, Novice: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing
Exercises used, Intermediate: Snatch, Single KB Thruster (Front Squat-to-Press)
Exercises used, Advanced: Double KB Snatch, Double KB Thruster, Double KB Clean + Push Press, Double KB Clean + Jerk
The King-Sized Killer
3x “Snatch Only” programs
3x week, 20 minute workouts
Exercises used: Snatch
5x “Clean + Press Only” programs
3x week, 20 to 30 minutes
Exercises used: Single KB Clean + Press, Double KB Clean + Press
Kettlebell HARD!
20x 6–12-week kettlebell complex programs
18x 6–12 week kettlebell “flow” / “chain” programs
3x week, 15 to 30 minutes a day
Exercises used: Swing, Clean, FSQ, Row, Press, Push Press, Jerk, Snatch
Double kettlebell
Kettlebell W.O.D.
53 weeks of progressively more challenging programming
5x week, 5 minute warm up, 15-minute workouts
Exercises used: All of them :)
Single and Double kettlebell, bodyweight
When used correctly, the kettlebell is a “Force Multiplier.”
What’s that?
It’s a form of leverage that speeds up your results — the same amount or more work is done faster with less effort.
A cordless nail gun replaces a hammer.
The car replaces the horse and buggy.
Air-to-air refueling keeps military aircraft patrolling the skies longer.
The kettlebell or several kettlebells replace:
[1] A gym membership
[2] Cardio machines
[3] Weight machines
[4] A barbell
[5] Dumbbells
All you need to do is use them correctly.
(You don’t scramble eggs with a nail gun.)
Want to get stronger and build some muscle?
10–20 minutes of KB Clean + Presses and/or Front Squats or even TGUs can do that for you.
Want to burn off body fat?
10–20 minutes of KB Swings, Snatches, or Clean + Jerks can do that for you.
Want to improve your VO2Max?
10–20 minutes of KB Swings, Snatches, or Jerks can do that for you.
Want to improve your flexibility or mobility?
10–20 minutes of KB TGUs, Goblet Squats, or even Windmills can do that for you.
Want to train all those at once?
10–20 minutes of KB Complexes can do that for you.
Want to look like Ah-nold or some other Mr. Olympia?
You should’ve started when you were 18 and been using steroids this whole time.
The truth is you can make and see measurable, visible results in your fitness, health, and way your body looks -
Less stomach fat.
Smaller love handles.
Looser clothes.
[More] Muscle definition.
And do it in a maximum of 3x 30-minute sessions a week.
All it takes is:
[1] Belief that you can
[2] The willingness to “make the time”
[3] The right KB training program
That may be hard to believe.
So, I’ll leave a link in the description below for “proof.”
Remember, the good news is, there’s an end to the struggle — a light at the end of the tunnel — if you want it.
And if you already “know all that?”
Well, hopefully this video just encouraged you to keep on keeping on. ;-]
And if you need some ideas for kettlebell workout programs to meet your goals, I’ll leave links in the description below for some that will help you out.
Stay Strong,