Double Kettlebell Exercises - Your New Year Fat Loss Solution
Many people find themselves in the same old place at the beginning of this year as they did last year — carrying more pounds than they’d like to admit. Well if you’re one of these millions, how did you get here?
Simple. Your exercise routine and diet failed you. Yup, that’s right. You didn’t fail, your exercise routine and diet failed you. Kettlebells, one of last year’s hottest fitness trends, are here to stay this year too. In fact, the kettlebell, because of its ease to use and its fast producing results, isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
But before I get into the kettlebell, let’s talk about some other things you must know in order to be successful this year.
Now, I’m not going to talk about diet in this particular article, but I will discuss what was wrong with your old exercise routine to help you see how you were misled and then show you what you can about it this year to ensure you are successful.
- Over Reliance On Cardio. Any time you go to a gym, especially around the first of each year, one of the first things you notice is that all the cardio machines are filled, and there’s usually a line. In fact, many gyms, including ones that I worked at in the past, actually have time limits on these pieces of equipment and lists that you have to sign up for, depending on whether they run out of machines.
And why do people jump on the cardio machines?
Simple. To burn calories, right?
Well, what most people don’t know is that in order to burn a TON of calories from doing cardio, you must work at an extremely intense level of exercise. But, as you may know, this is virtually impossible to do when you’ve been out of shape for any length of time. You just don’t have the stamina.
Instead of burning a ton of calories, you only burn a little bit extra, and it’s only while you’re doing cardio.
So, as you can see, making cardio your main source of exercise is not the best choice for burning calories. What is the best choice for burning fat?
Focus on your fat-burning machinery — your muscles.
Speaking of muscles, let’s look at another common way that your exercise routine fails you.
2. Machine-Based, Bodybuilder Style Weight Training. One of the other things you notice when you go to your local fitness club is the amount of weight machines. They’re all over the place. But here’s a dirty secret that you’re not supposed to know — They’re designed for bodybuilders, which you’re not, are you? No, I didn’t think so.
You see, these machines isolate body parts, but you know that any time you do anything in real life (outside of the gym, which is 99.9% of the time), your body works together as a team. So, doesn’t it make sense that you should work out that way?
And, since you’re not interested in having huge arms like a bodybuilder, what’s the best way to work out? Using multi-joint exercises known as compound exercises that work your body as a whole.
Now here’s the best part: These exercises burn a ton of calories both during exercise and after. So you’re not just burning off that yogurt you ate for breakfast like you would after spending 30 minutes walking on the treadmill.
And this is where our kettlebells come in. A kettlebell allows you to perform a variety of multi-joint compound exercises, either fast or slow, that strengthen your entire body, without looking like a bodybuilder, and allow you to burn a lot of calories both before and after you use them.
Not only that, when performed correctly, kettlebell workouts strengthen you for life, fortifying your body and preventing you from future injury.
So this year, do something different and results-producing and get started with kettlebell training and make this year the year you finally achieve your goals.
Geoff Neupert has been a fitness professional for over 16 years. He helps people from all walks of life, to lose fat and get in the best shape of their lives by using kettlebells. Learn more from his following website.