Double Kettlebell Exercises — What is the Secret to Having Great Abs?
There is so much confusion today about what it takes to have great abs. Everywhere you look, there is some new gadget or pill or cream promising that you will have a flat stomach. Well here’s the secret to having great abs and a flat stomach:
Low body fat. That’s it. Does that seem disappointing to you? Probably — because it’s not wrapped in the hype of a marketing message designed to stimulate your buying response. So what exactly is “low body fat?”
For men it’s approximately ten percent (10%) of their body weight as fat or less and for women, it’s approximately eighteen percent (18%) of their body weight or less. The next question you should be thinking is “how do I get low body fat?”
Here’s the answer:
Burn fat stored in your body. How do you do that? Eat less and move more. You knew it had to be that simple, right? But it’s not really that simple. Eating less might not be what you think it is.
By eating less, I’m talking about eating less calories than you probably are eating. I’m talking about eating less sugars and starches, like sodas, fruit juices, and beans and rice and potatoes. I’m talking about eating less fat like the fat found in ground beef that you may cook up but not drain thoroughly.
By moving more, I mean moving more than you do now. This is where things get exciting!
You could:
Move more weight.
Move more weight faster.
Move faster (with more speed).
Move more frequently.
Some combination of any of the above.
These methods all increase the intensity, or level of effort of your exercise. And that’s also key to burning stored fat. So, any one of those of the combination of those will help you burn fat so you can get your body fat lower. And getting your body fat lower will help you see your abs sooner.
Please notice I haven’t yet mentioned working on your abs in order to see your abs. In fact, although some ab exercises may give you more shape to your abs, they do nothing for the definition, or the ability to see your abs. Again, that’s linked solely to low body fat levels. So, let’s recap.
The secret to having great abs is having low body fat. The secret to having low body fat is to eat less and move more. The secret to eating less is cutting out the foods that increase your body fat. The secret to moving more is to increase the amount of effort you put forth in your movement. Do these “secrets” routinely and you’ll have great abs!
Discover how you can lose fat and keep it off permanently by checking out Geoff Neupert’s Chasing Strength website in the following.