Double Kettlebell Exercises to Build Muscle Faster Than Imagined
If you’ve ever tried to build muscle, you know there are thousands of sources all broadcasting for your attention. Probably the biggest culprits are the Muscle Tabloids that show the workouts of all the pro bodybuilders. Well in case you didn’t notice, those guys are so loaded up on drugs, they make my liver want to explode!
So, unless you’re drugged out of your mind, those “pro workouts” promising to add “2 Inches To Your Guns In 2 Days” just aren’t going to work.
That being said, what does work?
There are only two criteria responsible for building muscle. If you remember these you’ll be ahead of 95% of other people in the gym.
The two criteria are “maximizing tension” and the “overload principle.”
Maximizing Tension simply means being able to generate the most amount of force possible, be it fast or slow. An example would be lifting a heavy weight as fast as you can.
The Overload Principle simply states you must use a greater stimulus than you did previously to force adaptation to occur, i.e., grow muscle. An example would be adding weight to the bar.
So, how do you build muscle faster than you can imagine?
By combining the two criteria!
A very easy way to pack on muscle is to use what are called Complexes. A Complex is a series of exercises performed in a row with one implement for a specified number of reps without resting until all specified reps are performed.
Here’s an example:
Upright Row x6, then
Hang Clean x6, then
Front Squat x6, then
Military Press x6, then
Squat x6, then
Rest for approximately two minutes. Then repeat for up to a total of five sets.
A couple of years ago now I trained a friend of mine — an amateur competitive bodybuilder — with only complexes, only three times a week. He used a complex similar to the one above and packed on an astounding 30 pounds in six weeks!
Not only do complexes pack on muscle, but because they are cardiovascularly demanding so you can actually simultaneously lose fat.
You can use any tool you want to perform these complexes — barbells, dumbbells, sandbags, water-filled kegs, heavy medicine balls, and kettlebells. My two favorites are barbells and kettlebells. If I had a preference, it would be kettlebells.
Because of their unique shape (handle above the weight) they force the body to work even harder than with a barbell or dumbbell. Plus, when using two kettlebells versus a barbell, there is a greater stimulus on your body (remember the Overload Principle), forcing it to work harder (maximize tension) so you have the potential to build muscle faster.
Not only that, the kettlebell works your body through greater ranges of motion again creating more tension and a bigger overload.
No matter what implements you choose, if you start adding complexes into your current training routine, or even replace your current training routine with complexes, get ready to see a noticeable increase in muscle mass!
Learn even more ways to properly learn how to use kettlebells to get lean, lose fat, and get fit by going to Kettlebell Secrets.