Double Kettlebell Exercises — The Top 3 Reasons You Need to Be Using Kettlebells


Every one wants to “get in shape” these days. Well, as a good friend of mine once said, “Round is a shape.”

Good point. In order to escape “roundness,” you really owe yourself to get lean and lose fat in the shortest period of time possible. Here are three reasons why you should use kettlebells to get lean and “in shape.”

Reason #1: Time Efficient. A very close friend of my wife’s recently finished P-90X. She got really good results. The problem was she had to hire a nanny to watch her kids! Why? Because she had to commit to seven and-a-half hours per week for three months to do the workouts! Ouch! I don’t have that kind of time to devote do you? With kettlebells, you don’t have to.

Kettlebells provide the most time-efficient workouts available. Interestingly enough, both beginners and the advanced kettlebell trainee sometimes only need 10 minutes a day! Wow! Imagine only needing to workout 10 minutes per day??! Not only that, you can use kettlebells in your spare bedroom, basement, backyard, or anywhere at home. You no longer have to go to the “meat market” (your local health club). So you can save time by not driving.

Reason #2: Space Efficient. Kettlebells take up very little space. In fact all you really need is a 6 foot by 4 foot area to work out in. Contrast this to some of the home gyms that take up half the room or the treadmill that now doubles as a clothes rack in your bedroom.

Reason #3: Even More Time Efficient There really is no getting around it, over it, or above it, kettlebells really provide the most time efficient workouts available on the planet. Just by using one kettlebell you can get your strength training, cardio, and flexibility work done in the very same workout.

There really is no reason not to use kettlebells other than the fact that you may like doing tons of useless work and wasting your time or you might be afraid of hard work. I mentioned my wife’s friend who did P-90X earlier. The saddest part to me about all that is that when my wife showed her the kettlebell swing, it kicked her butt in about 30 seconds! Literally! She was sucking wind and her butt muscles and hamstrings were all jello-y. Imagine spending three months doing all that to have 30 seconds of kettlebell swings take that much out of you! No matter what your fitness goals, but especially if you’re just trying to “get in shape,” you will save yourself time and energy by taking up kettlebell training. So what are you waiting for? Get started with kettlebell training today!

Learn even more ways to properly learn how to use kettlebells to get lean, lose fat and get fit by following my website.



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