Double Kettlebell Exercises — The First Word in Sports — Specific Training?
The popular trend in the US is to participate in “sports-specific” training — training specific for tennis, soccer, lacrosse, football, etc.
And the biggest market for sports-specific training is the youth market. Parents all across the nation are spending millions of dollars each year to help their precious children obtain that ultimate dream — the college scholarship in their sport of choice.
Unfortunately, ignorant “coaches” and personal trainers have jumped all over this bandwagon and opened up “speed camps” and “sports specific” facilities in the desire to grab a piece of the pie.
Arguably the simplest way to make your child run faster, further, longer and jump higher is to get him or her physically stronger and physically better conditioned.
One tool stands out in bold contrast to all others: The kettlebell.
It looks like a cannonball with a handle on it, but it delivers all-around strength, power, mobility, flexibility and stamina when used correctly.
Pre-pubescent kids shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights. The National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends that they use lighter weights for higher reps. The kettlebell is the perfect tool for this job. It gives your child the opportunity to learn how to move his body and then load that movement to get stronger, while providing the safest opportunity to make mistakes, which are inherent and necessary to the learning process.
Simple kettlebell exercises such as the Swing, the Get Up and the Goblet Squat prepare the adolescent’s joints — hips, shoulders, and knees, for the demands of any sport and teaches your young athlete how to move under different conditions that he’ll find the athletic arena — speed and resistance (think tackling).
These kettlebell exercises also quickly strengthen heart and lungs, giving any athlete virtually unstoppable and unlimited unlimited stamina.
Before you as a committed parent invest your hard earned money in some sports specific camp promising your son or daughter a path to the big time, ensure they have their foundation set. Kettlebells are the perfect place to start.
For more information about kettlebell training look for a Russian Kettlebell Challenge Certified Instructor.
Geoff Neupert has been a fitness professional for 16 years. He has over 18,379 hours of personal training and has trained individuals from all walks of life, from professional athletes to grandmothers, and helped improve their performances and lose body fat. He uses kettlebells as the primary tool for fat loss and and teaches kettlebell training both nationally and internationally with the RKC. He also provides the most comprehensive kettlebell training resource, including fat loss with kettlebells, on the following website.