Double Kettlebell Exercises Mix of Success
There seems to be so much superb details about kettlebell instruction it’s hard for the typical person to know where to begin and to truly be satisfied with that starting point. Many of us come to kettlebell workouts from a background of barbell lifting (myself included) and recoil at the thought that kettlebells are the “only tool you need.” Limiting ourselves to “just one tool” isn’t going to happen.
There was a great thread started on the RKC Coach website about mixing barbell and kettlebell exercise together so I considered I’d submit my views/experiences for you to adopt and find out from so you can omit making the same mistakes I did.
“Movement Prep” is now a term that’s replaced “Warm Up” in our strength training glossary. As the name implies, this is work that precedes the main training aim and prepares your body for that training.
I believe applying the kettlebells as exercise prep before your barbell work is a great way to go.
The following are some training that I would use:
- 1/2 Get Up (Get Up Sit Up)
• Get Up
• RKC Arm Bar and variations
• Single Leg Deadlift
• Windmill
• 1 Arm Press
• 1 Arm Swing
• H2H Swing
• Counterbalanced Pistols
• Lunges
• Goblet Squat
Each of these trainings enable you to check your body’s modern exercise capability, make space within that action, correct imbalances between sides/limbs, and improve coordination, allowing you properly warm up for your barbell work.
Now obviously, we all have our limitations and our strengths so your movement prep doesn’t have to include all the workouts on the checklist — they’re just options. Use your brains and select your exercises in accordance to your present needs and the demands of your barbell training.