Double Kettlebell Exercises — Minimalist Workout For Maximum Results


In this age of technology, did you ever stop to think for a second how complicated our lives have become?

Sure, everything is at the push of a button, but how many buttons do we need?

For example, look at your TV remote. It controls your cable, your TiVo, your DVD player, your home theatre system, etc. But if one of those systems goes down, oh boy — look out! The whole system goes on the fritz!

How about your workouts? Are they as easy as you’d like them to be? Are you getting the results you want from them? Losing fat? Getting leaner? Getting stronger? Or are you just stuck in a rut going through the motions because you don’t know exactly what to change to get the results you want?

In our age of technology, we’ve forgotten that the more moving parts an object or process has, the bigger chance it has of breaking or having something go wrong. The same is true with your workouts. The more exercises, the more parts it has, the more you have to monitor it to know what to change when you stop changing.

That’s where the kettlebell comes in.

It’s one piece of equipment with no parts. It’s just one piece. It’s minimalist in its construction.

When you know how to use a kettlebell, it produces maximum results. Here’s how — if your goal is to lose fat, you need two major components to your workouts — strength training and cardiovascular exercise.

You can do both simultaneously with a kettlebell. That’s right, just one kettlebell.

The most productive exercises are the ones that require them most energy to perform. The exercises that require the most energy to perform are the ones that use the largest, strongest areas in your body. Those would be your hips and your legs, in that order.

The basic kettlebell exercise, the Swing, focuses on just those areas — the hips and legs and throws in the core and arms as an added bonus.

The Swing is performed by swinging a kettlebell between your legs. (It’s a little more complicated then it sounds here.) It not only quickly and tremendously strengthens your hips, legs, and core, but it produces one of the most amazing cardiovascular workouts you have yet to experience! The kettlebell Swing has the potential to burn a ton of calories not only while working out, but long after you are done working out!

And the best part is, when you first get started you can perform Kettlebell Swings for as little as 10 minutes per workout and see great results.

So, instead of looking for the next best greatest workout in the fitness tabloids at the grocery store or at your local health club, get yourself a kettlebell, learn how to swing, and get maximum results with a minimalist piece of equipment and in minimum time.

Geoff Neupert has been a fitness professional for over 16 years. He helps all types of people lose fat and get in the best shape of their lives by using kettlebells. Learn how to get in the best shape of your life by accessing my following website.



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