Double Kettlebell Complex Workouts: “Clean ‘Em Up, 2.0”


Double Kettlebell Complex Exercise: “Clean ’Em Up, 2.0.” It benefits basic conditioning, technique refinement, weight loss, and bodybuilding.

Here are the details for today’s double kettlebell complex workout:

( Make certain you’re utilizing a 10 representative max for your double kettlebell press.).

Double Kettlebell Clean x5.
Double Kettlebell Press x5.
Double Kettlebell Snatch x5.
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x5.

[+] Men: 16kg-24kg.
[+] Ladies: 8kg-16kg.
[+] Sets/Rounds: 2 to 4.
[+] Rest: Novice — As necessary; Advanced — W: R= 1:2 *.

  • Work: Rest = 1:2 means time yourself performing this double kettlebell complex. Then rest two times as long. Example: It takes you 1 minute to perform. Rest 2 minutes prior to doing another set.

Incorporate movements that challenge you like the Get Up.

It is just a great exercise in general and has a way of making you address and correct poor movement patterns, especially if you perform it in a slow and deliberate fashion (like the Kalos Sthenos).

I committed to exclusively performing only the Get Up and variations along with some Swings. It fixed most of my issues.

There are a lot of other great kettlebell exercises that literally “bulletproof” you when performed correctly. Here’s a sample list —
The Swing and it’s variations
The Press
The Windmill
The Clean
The Goblet Squat
The Single Leg Deadlift The Snatch

These movements literally pry open all the tight spots, creating flexibility (increased muscle length) and restoring lost mobility (increased joint range of motion) as well as giving you that “in-between strength” — that strength that keeps you from getting hurt doing the simple things in life like throwing a football or bending over to tie your shoe.

Look for places to incorporate these exercises in your training program. And remember, you don’t have to feel like you’re having a “workout” for them to be beneficial.

Where should you start?

Probably with the exercises you don’t normally do. Pick one or two of those and put them in the beginning of your training program. Drop one or two of your favorite exercises for a while and see where you are in 30 days.

Remember, restoring lost movement will increase your body’s need for stored energy, and will automatically start burning stored calories (read: body fat).



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