Double kettlebell exercises — Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press is a great total body strength and conditioning workout. It develops effective hips and legs, and strong shoulders, arms, and grip. When done with appropriate volume, it has the capability to pack on slabs of muscle while at the same time conditioning the heart and lungs.
Here’s a quick rundown of how you do it safely:
1. Start with the kettlebells in front of you.
2. Aggressively hike the kettlebells behind you below your hips.
3. Tuck your elbows into your sides and roll the kettlebells around your
wrists up the front of your body.
4. Keep the kettlebells pulled near the body.
5. Gently position them in the rack position. Keep the elbows glued to your
6. Keeping your abs and glutes tight, press the kettlebells up over your
head. Push from your lats.
7. Keeping your abs and glutes tight, pull the kettlebells pull back into
the rack.
8. Exhale through the sticking point as you push. Either breathe in as you
lower the kettlebells or hold your breath and inhale before your next rep.
9. Re-clean the kettlebells and repeat for the preferred variety of reps.
10. Lower the kettlebells to the ground the same way would for the Double