Double Kettlebell Exercises — A Woman’s Solution to Those “Trouble Spots”
Every woman has at least, one — maybe two areas on her body that bother her. I mean really bother her.
Working out with kettlebells provides a solution to all those areas.
What are those areas?
You know what they are — here are two of the most common:
One is that little area from your belly button down that forms a little “pouch” and the other is that saggy area where your butt should be.
How do kettlebells target those pesky areas?
Two ways:
1. By making your body, specifically those areas, stronger, and giving them a more “toned” appearance.
The idea of “toned” muscles always seems to appeal to women. You are not interested in developing the big, bulky muscles of the guys in the free weights section. The truth is, your hormones wouldn’t let you if you tried.
The reason a woman may appear to get bigger when lifting weights is because her body is tightening up her muscles faster than she is burning off body fat.
Kettlebells, prevent this from happening. There are specific exercises, called “ballistics” that strengthen a muscle and force your body to exert a lot of effort, resulting in breathing hard. Therefore, you end up burning a lot of calories while performing these exercises.
2. By helping you burn off excess calories stored as fat, especially in those areas.
I just mentioned that kettlebell exercises called “ballistics,” like the Swing and the Snatch, make you breathe hard. Most women, when they join their local health club, are shown the aerobics room and the cardio room. The thought process is that women need to do more cardio than men in order to “shape up.”
That’s not necessarily true. Cardiovascular exercise has two purposes — 1. Making your heart stronger, and 2. Burning off excess calories.
Working out with kettlebells is arguably the best way for a woman to do both — make your heart stronger and burn off excess calories as stored body fat.
Kettlebells are arguably the best tool for the job because by using the “ballistic” exercises, you can tighten and flatten your abs (using a specialized breathing method while working out) and shape up your butt — actually making it look like the butt you once had or always wanted. And they do this by making your muscles — your abs, hips, and legs stronger and by giving you a cardiovascular workout, forcing your body to burn excess calories.
But here’s the best part: Working out with kettlebells will help you with your trouble spots because these workouts will keep your metabolism working hard burning fat long after your workouts are over.
A flat stomach, tight butt, and burning fat long after your workout is over?
That’s something worth investigating.
Geoff Neupert has been a fitness professional for over 16 years. He helps all types of people lose fat and get in the best shape of their lives by using kettlebells. Learn how to get in the best shape of your life by accessing my following website.