Double Kettlebell Exercises are Scientifically Proven for Maximum Fat Loss
There was a new, virtually landmark study on fat burning exercise.
Did you see it?
It was based on some of the “wild claims” about kettlebells and kettlebell training.
If you had to — gun to the head had to — perform only one kettlebell exercise to burn maximum calories to lose fat it would be this one.
But before we get to “this one,” let’s look at some of the criteria that an exercise should meet in order to burn fat, let alone burn fat by using a kettlebell.
1. It should use the big muscles of the body — the ones that require a lot of energy when using them — the hips and legs
2. It should be multi-joint in nature. Sure, the leg extension and “ButtRx” machines use the legs, but they only focus on one joint at a time. A great exercise would use many joints, primarily most of them in the lower body.
3. It would strengthen your body at the same time as burning calories so you can go burning calories safely without the injuries that come from repetitive cardio, like shin splints and stress fractures from running.
4. It would work the body through different planes of movement and different ranges of motion.
Ok, there are four good ones. Let’s move on.
Now, how many calories per minute would be good?
Well according to the American Council on Exercise, here’s a quick breakdown for you:
Spinning — that’s good, right? Must be — lots of people are doing it.
Answer: 9.6 calories per minute.
How about Aerobic Dance, like Zumba? Again, gaining popularity…
Answer: 9.7 — slightly better!
How about Power Yoga — Yoga is getting very popular these days…
Answer: 5.9 calories per minute.
That’s kind of shabby…
And finally, how about our “magical” kettlebell exercise?
Drum roll please maestro…
A whopping 20.2 calories per minute!
That’s more than twice as much as the Spinning class!
What’s the name of this exercise and where can I sign up to get started doing it??!!
It’s the Kettlebell Snatch.
The kettlebell is swung between the legs and then fixed overhead in one motion with one arm.
It works every single muscle in your body, including your heart and lungs. And it satisfies all of the four criteria we discussed earlier.
Now in fairness to you, the Kettlebell Snatch is an advanced kettlebell exercise and should only be attempted after you are familiar with the Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing and the Kettlebell 1-Hand Swing.
Also in fairness to you, this protocol that burns 20.2 calories per minute is an advanced kettlebell training program, developed by a friend and colleague of mine, Kenneth Jay, a Master Instructor with the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge). (Side note: The study didn’t credit Kenneth for his research…) It is not for “kettlebell newbies.”
However, similar results can and will be obtained by you when you start performing the basic (but not easy) Kettlebell Swings.
So what’s the take home lesson here?
If you want to lose fat and lose fat quickly, you owe it to yourself to learn how to use kettlebells and then start working with Kenneth’s advanced fat loss protocols. Because really, anything else, apparently, looks to be a waste of your time.
You can do a Google search under “ACE kettlebell study” for the study it is in its entirety.
Learn even more ways to properly learn how to use kettlebells to get lean, lose fat, and get fit by going to