Double kettlebell exercises - Double Kettlebell Push Press


The Double Kettlebell Push Press is an excellent workout in its own right. It is an effective (pun planned) workout that can overload the shoulder and arm musculature, reinforcing the triceps muscles for the lockout of the Armed force Press.

In addition, when the volume is high enough, it can be used to load mass on the upper body.

Lastly, when integrated with the Double Kettlebell Clean, it’s a fantastic alternative to the Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk for someone lacking shoulder mobility or the necessary ability to drop under the bells for the Jerk.

1. Tidy the kettlebells to the rack position. (You may move the feet more detailed towards each other after the Clean).

2. Keeping the torso vertical (perpendicular to the ground), dip your knees quickly and after that align them.

3. At the immediate they align, use the force created from your legs to drive the kettlebells overhead locking out the elbows.

4. To lower them, either pull them back down to the rack or let them “freefall” absorbing or catching them by dipping your knees.

5. Align your knees and set up for another rep.

6. Perform as lots of associates as you choose.

7. To put the kettlebells down follow the procedure for the Double Kettlebell Clean.



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